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gift horse 饋贈的馬,〔轉義〕價值有問題的禮物 (Don't loo...

gift shop

To look a gift horse in the mouth - when buying a horse , you should look in its mouth . why ? because a horse ' s teeth tells its age . but if someone gave you a horse as a present , would you look at its teeth ? no , that would be impolite 買馬的時候要看看它的嘴巴。為什么?因為從馬的牙齒可以看出它的年齡。不過如果有人送你一匹馬作為禮物,你會不會檢查它的牙齒呢?不會,那樣很不禮貌。

Jock : oh , come on . don ' t look a gift horse in the mouth . i know it ' s ok because i was his sister driving it last week 哈利:是啊,他真好,但我不知道該不該借用。他那輛車比我那輛還要舊。

Your parents gave you a new cell phone , but you want a more expensive one ? don ' t look a gift horse in the mouth 你父母送你一支新的手機,你卻想要一支更名貴的?別挑三揀四了啦!

It is not as good as a larger one , but don ' t look a gift horse in the mouth , it ' s better than nothing 它是不如一個更大容量的硬盤好,但不要吹毛求疵,它總比一個也沒有好。

It was one of mother ' s maxims never to look a gift horse in the mouth 母親的箴言之一是:對于收到的禮物絕不要挑毛病。

Better look that gift horse in the mouth - ocala . com 俄勒網參議院批準禁令在禮物信用卡到期日- oregonlive . com

Never look a gift horse in the mouth 饋贈之物,切莫挑剔。

Don ' t look a gift horse in the mouth 饋贈之馬,勿看牙口。

Look a gift horse in the mouth 對禮物吹毛求疵;品評禮物的好壞。

Don ' t look a gift horse in the mouth 贈馬不看牙收人禮物別嫌好道歹

Never ( don ' t ) look a gift horse in the mouth 別人送的馬,不要看馬齒。受人禮物,莫論好壞。

Gift horse mouth , far be it from me to do any looking 我可沒有資格挑剔什么

Never look a gift horse in the mouth 不要看別人贈送的馬的嘴;不要挑剔得到的禮物。